Belly fat may release more of a protein that can cause a non-cancerous cell to turn into a cancerous one, new research has found.

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According to a Study:

  • Obesity has been linked to several types of cancers including that of the breast, colon, prostate, uterus or kidney.
  • But the new study indicated that just being overweight is not necessarily the best way to determine risk.
  •  Study suggests that body mass index, or BMI, may not be the best indicator.
  • It’s abdominal obesity and, even more specifically, levels of a protein called fibroblast growth factor-2.
  • In addition,that may be a better indicator of the risk of cells becoming cancerous.
  • There are two layers of belly fat.
  • The top layer, known as subcutaneous fat, lies right under the skin.
  • The layer under that, called visceral fat, is the one she found to be more harmful.

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  •  Studied mice that were fed a high-fat diet and discovered.
  • That this higher-risk layer of fat produced larger amounts of the fibroblast growth factor-2, or FGF2, protein.
  • Furthermore,when compared to the subcutaneous fat.
  • They found that FGF2 stimulated certain cells that were already vulnerable to the protein.
  • And caused them to grow into tumours.
  •  Also collected visceral fat tissue from women undergoing hysterectomies.
  • And found that when the fat secretions had more of the FGF2 protein,
  • More of the cells formed cancerous tumours when transferred into mice.

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  • “This would indicate that fat from both mice and humans can make a non-tumorigenic cell malignantly transform into a tumorigenic cell,” Expert said.
  • There are several other factors released from fat, including the hormone estrogen.
  • That could influence cancer risk, but many of those studies have only been able to show an association and not a direct cause of cancer, Expert added.
  • Genetics too play a role.

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