Besides high blood pressure, high intake of salt main source of sodium may be associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes, researchers have found.

Read also:Control your diabetes by these tips!

What findings showed?

  • The findings showed that for each 2.5 extra grams of salt (equivalent to each extra gram of sodium) consumed per day.
  • There was an average 43 per cent increase in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  • People who consumed more than 7.3gm salt a day displayed a 72 per cent increased risk of compared to those with the lowest below 6gm.

According to researchers:

  • According to researchers, the association sodium.
  • In addition, which makes up 40 per cent of salt may be because of a direct effect on insulin resistance.
  • And/or by promoting high blood pressure and weight gain.
  • Further, higher salt intake was also linked with a high risk of developing Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA).
  • In addition,a form of Type 1 diabetes in which the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the body’s own immune system.
  • The study showed that the effect of sodium intake on the risk of developing LADA was even greater.
  • With a 73 per cent rise for each gram of sodium consumed per day.
  • Patients with high risk leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes whose sodium intake was classed as ‘high’ (over 3.15 gm/day).
  • Furthermore,were almost four times more likely to develop LADA than those consuming the lowest (under 2.4gm/day).
  • We confirm an association between sodium intake.
  • And type 2 diabetes (and that) high sodium intake may be a risk factor for LADA.
  • Especially in carriers of high risk HLA genotypes,” said lead researcher.


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