La Martiniere Girls’ College organised the Farida Abraham Memorial National Debate and Quiz for class XI and XII whose final rounds were held on Sunday, 26th November, 2017 at La Martiniere Girls’ College, Lucknow.

The winners of the Composite Round consisting of teams from La Martiniere for Girls'(Kolkata) and La Martiniere Girls’ College (Lucknow) debated on the topic, ‘This house believes that only change remains unchanged’. Ishita Mundhra, Ritansha Banerjee and Parineet Kaur Chaudhary from La Martiniere For Girls’ speaking for the motion stressed that every action, movement, emotion we feel is a change. Change is inevitable in the evolution of life  and therefore a constant. While Manya Kapoor, Niyati Tewari and Aanandi Arjun from LMGC spoke against the proposition emphasized that there were other constants too like facts which have occurred in the past, happenings of historical importance, the cycle of life and death as well as basic human instincts which never change.
The motion was defeated. La Martiniere Girls’ College( Lucknow) were the winners of  the debate with Niyati Tewari bagging the prize for The Best Speaker and Manya Kapoor the prize for The Second Best Speaker.

The Chairperson at the debate was Ms. Kakul Gautam, an alumnus who has been a keen debater. The esteemed judges Dr. Mrs. Mala Mehra, Mr. Vijay Sahi and Dr. Vikram Singh unanimously praised the quality and content put forth by the debaters.

Six teams participated in the final round of the quiz. A very interesting and difficult quiz was conducted under the able guidance of the Quiz Master Mr. Sachida Nand Singh, Senior Principal, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Public School.
They were quizzed on a myriad of subjects. There was stiff competition between the teams. La Martiniere Girls’ College won the quiz and the team from Seth. A. R. Jaipuria(Kanpur) were the Runners Up.

Mr. Launcelot J. Fuller, the Deputy Secretary of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi presided over as the Chief Guest on this occasion.

He gave away the prizes to the winners. He said that the students of La Martiniere Girls’ College have paid a befitting tribute to their illustrious former Principal, Late Mrs. F. Abraham by winning both the debate and the quiz.  He said that he has great admiration and respect for Mrs. Abraham with whom he had worked professionally. She was a visionary and a trendsetter who was much ahead of her times.

The Principal, Mrs. A. Dass delivered a vote of thanks and praised the hardwork put in by the students and the staff of the College for the successful execution of the event.
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