A Dig into Life of TikTok Star & Choreographer Awez Darbar
Awez Darbar is a dancer-choreographer who enjoys more than a million of fan following on the app TikTok!
Awez Darbar is a very popular name amongst the youth these days. The young man is a social media sensation and enjoys more than one million fan following on the video making and sharing app TikTok. And his popularity is growing day by day

The young star shared some insights on his journey and his aspirations. Here’s the excerpt:
What is important for you tik tok or dance ?
– Both. Dance was my passion and TikTok gave me platform to showcase my talent.
What influences you?
– Every little thing that inspires me.
Can you choreograph any type of dance or does it have to be something you like?
– Yes I can choreograph anything you ask for.
Can you choreograph a dance without music?
– Yes, of course.
How did you decide to become a choreographer? Was it something you always wanted to do or is it something that happened suddenly?
– I always wanted to be a choreographer
How hard is to find a way to express yourself according to what you have on your mind?
– It’s not difficult for me because I’m very straightforward.
Was there any person that had great impact on your decision to become a choreographer?
– Nothing in particular, I used to love watching dance videos and it was my favourite thing to do which eventually turned into my passion and started creating my own choreography
Many choreographers have been influenced by animals? What is your opinion on that? And would you use this kind of movements?
– Yes even animals inspire us in various ways, For example – There’s a style called B-boying their moves were inspired by monkeys.
What do you think about the human body in your job?
– Flexible to face any difficulties !
What is the role of the choreographer, to inspire, to teach or to lead?
– While teaching you lead them to get inspired.
What should anybody have in order to become a choreographer?
– Vision
What is the most important thing in being a choreographer?
– Again I would say vision, to see my choreography on screen, on the stage or wherever I’ve choreographed my piece.
Your future plans ?
– To Inspire and get inspired and to open my dance academy all over the world.