Director Shree Narayan Singh says in his film “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha” actor Akshay Kumar’s character is that of a man who undergoes trials and tribulations to win back his wife, played by actress Bhumi Pednekar.

Fight to win his wife

  • Singh says the forthcoming film is about how far a person would go to win their loved one.
    Also read:Why does Akshay calls “Toilet..” a risky subject?
  • “Love is a strong emotion that can lead you to cross all hurdles,” Singh said in a statement.
  • “‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ is such a film where Akshay is shown to be a man who undergoes
  • all sorts of trials and tribulations to win back his wife Bhumi even if it is building a toilet.”
    Also read:.“Toilet ek prem katha” will encourage women: Bhumi
  • “Open defecation is a nation-wide problem and several women have to travel lengths only to defecate in open fields
  • This is a subject that needed to be addressed and we hope that the film resonates with the audience,” he added.
    Also read:“Toilet..” slammed in Jaipur court !
  • Furthermore, “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha” will hit the screens on August 11.
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