Filmmaker Amol Gupte along with stat cast of his upcoming film ‘Sniff’ released ‘Naak’ song from their film on Thursday in Mumbai. While interacting with media, Amol stated that we Indians don’t respect our children.

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Fewer films for kids in bollywood

  • Amol Gupte who has worked in Aamir Khan’s Taare Zameen  Par and masters the genre of children films.
  • He has directed films like  Stanley Ka Dabba, Hawa Hawai and now he is coming with another children film Sniff.
  • When asked him what is reason behind making fewer films for children in India, Gupte replied,
  • “I guess, we don’t respect our children because when you go to European nations,
  • if the adult film content is consumed at the rate of 100 then consumption rate of children film raises
  • around 300-400 because there adults also come and they bring all their children’s in but here in India,
  • Parents say that  I will take my kids to watch U/A certified film as along with kids I will also get entertained”.

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Children are my teacher: Amol

  • Recently, Shooijt Sircar said that reality shows are actually destroying them emotionally and their purity,
  • when asked Amol about kids working in a film or in reality show, he said,
  • “I  completely agree with Shoojit on this issue. Furthermore,I don’t audition kids for my films.
  • I started an open ended workshop in St. Mary school. It’s a simpler process.
  • I feel kids shouldn’t miss their school and I always take care of that so it doesn’t affect them much.”
  • When asked him how was working with children in films, he said, “I don’t really ‘work’ with them.
  • Also read:Aamir Khan follows heart to produce films!
  • There is always light and fun environment on my film set because I feel when you work with them then it’s a child labour.
  • When I spend time with Children that time I am happier person as compared to the time
  • I spend with adults. Children’s honesty keeps me on my feet. I try to get influence by
  • the children’s so they are teachers to me and I get to learn lot from them.
  • I don’t feel any need to come out from their zone”
  • Sniff is touted to be “India’s first kids’ action adventure franchise film”. This film will throw
  • light on the origin of Sunny Gill as a child spy. Along with the film, there is an exclusive
  • three-volume comic book series by the name Sunny Gill & the Agents of Sniff which revolves around
  • the adventurous tales of Sunny and his two friends.
  • Sniff is co-produced by Eros International and Trinity Pictures and is slated to release on 25 August this year.
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