Chetan Bhagat crossed 10 Million fans following on social media, which definitely marks an unprecedented achievement for a writer in India, but his creative and literary dig at celebrities had him trolled badly.

Fans trolled him for the photo-message:

  • Chetan Bhagat, the man who wrote:
  • Half Girlfriend, Five Point Someone One Night @ the Call Center and 2 States among many others, crossed 10 million marks on Twitter.
  • The writer took a dig at other celebrities, when he posted a picture,
  • which belittled other celebrities for sharing their personal pictures and other stuff on social media.

  • Chetan Bhagat captioned the picture, “Thank you guys for the 10million”
  • Now the picture has a message, which says, “No pouting selfies, No cleavage photos, No child of someone famous, No cricketer, No actor or model, Just a writer who has a dream, Now with 1 crore followers.
  • Thank you all for the 10 Million. No word to express my gratitude. Stay Positive. Love. Chetan Bhagat”
  • This kind of photo message didn’t sit pretty with the fans, who trolled the
  • writer for taking dig at actors, models and sports star, who do post such pictures.
  • Bhagat has always had a hard time putting his point forward.
  • Because more often than not, Twitter shuts him down and once again it happened!
  • Apart from writing books, Chetan Bhagat is credited for writing stories for hit movies like Hello,
  • 3 Idiots, Kai Po Che!, 2 States, Kick   and Half Girlfriend.
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