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Dr Varun Gupta, the changemaker in education around the world.

Dr Varun Gupta

Dr Varun Gupta

Meet the most promising edu’preneur of the year in every sense of the word, Dr Varun Gupta, the changemaker in education around the world.

Dr Varun Gupta has been bestowed with some of the most prestigious awards and recognition of the world for his relentless work as an educationist and entrepreneur.

If we closely look around, we would know that the world is full of people who are driven strongly by their passion and the strong will to make a difference through their efforts, consistency and uniqueness and make a positive impact in the world in their own way. What’s impressive here is that most of these people are youngsters in the field who are determined enough to rise above all the struggles on their path and become a success story not just by making themselves grow, but also helping others take the road to success. One such youngster who has gone ahead to become a serial entrepreneur and educationist is Dr Varun Gupta.

Always wanting to be a learned professional and on the quest to gather as much knowledge, insights and information as possible as a youngster, Dr Varun Gupta’s journey started with leveraging his experiences and educational qualifications to make a successful and growth-driven career in education and entrepreneurship. He has made it his mission to work towards the educational field and be the changemaker for the same in the world.

For the contributions and unremitting efforts of Dr Varun Gupta as an entrepreneur and an educationist, he has been bestowed with many of the world’s prestigious awards and recognitions. The recent ones being the MOST PROMISING EDUPRENEUR OF THE YEAR 2018, given to him by Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan.

In the year 2019, he was awarded SHIKSHA GAURAV PURASKAR 2019 and a leadership award in the same year. Dr Varun Gupta has been given the title of PEACE AMBASSADOR of the Year 2019 for promoting UNSDG 2030 in the world and also as the Center for Peace Studies Official Permanent Representative in India.

Last year, Dr Varun Gupta was given another recognition as the Youngest Recipient of Honorary Degree. And, in 2020, he has also been awarded as the GLOBAL YOUNG LEADER – 2020- By GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY OF PEACE.

Dr Varun Gupta has worked relentlessly in serving many vocational training schools and higher learning institutions and has even managed oversees strategies and operations for the franchise network in the past.

Working across industries for the past decade, Dr Varun Gupta has touched and changed the lives of lakhs of people and has been to more than 50 countries, to be the beacon of hope and light and to guide, mentor and show the right path through the power of education, public administration, good governance, skills training, and leadership by conducting various seminars and workshops.

Dr Varun Gupta has worked to make a positive impact in the lives of thousands of youngsters across countries and continents and guided them for a stable career, even to the emotionally disturbed students and adults. In the year 2014, he had volunteered to go to East Africa for helping a new university and took upon the post of a Director and later promoted to be the principal administrative officer of the University. He communicated with all the stakeholders online, using Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

This young entrepreneur and educationist is also on the board of several esteemed global firms, serving in the academic industry and have even joined hands with many international educational organizations to uplift African people through specialized programs.

Currently, working also as the Executive VP at On Sky Global and the CEO at Cambridge Career College, together they have come forward to impart skill-based job-oriented career programs in ways more than one.

Being a youngster himself, earning the honorary degree of a doctor and leader globally as a serial entrepreneur and spreading his wings all over the world to be the reason for positive change in the business and education sector, Dr Varun Gupta has inspired many lives across the globe.

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