Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor aka Ishaqzaada recently talks about his film career. He openly shared that he feels lucky to pick films with fantastic roles for women. Arjun Kapoor who started his career 6 years ago with Parineeti Chopra, is again ready to hit the silver screen. He has just finished the shooting of his upcoming film ‘Namaste England’. In this film he will be seen pairing with Parineeti Chopra again.

Arjun has worked in more than 10 Bollywood films. Arjun is famous in Youth and he is the heart beat of girls. He has done roles which support women or give respect like ‘Ki and Ka’, 2 States and Tevar.

Currently, he is in Bankok for IIFA 2018 Awards. Last night he performed in IIFA Gala Night. And in an interview he shared his thoughts about gender equality. He said that he highly believe in Gender equality and thinks women should get equal chances as men.

Arjun said, “I feel lucky and fortunate that as an actor, I have picked films that have had my co-actors with fantastic roles along with me, and I feel very proud that I have been a part of such films that have not been about having someone like a cut out.”

“It had started about seven years back… Even if you look at my debut film Ishaqzaade, Parineeti Chopra had an absolutely amazing role and I never looked at it as ‘If hers is better or mine is better’. And I don’t think the audience sees it as whose is better or longer. Basically, it comes down to the scenes having a value where the characters are well-rounded,” he added.

“The growth of the meatier roles comes from the fact that the audience has evolved and the mindset has changed… So, it’s exciting for an actor like me to work with fantastic fellow actors,” Arjun said.

Arjun Kapoor will be next seen in NAMASTE ENGLAND with Parineeti Chopra on Dussehra 2018. He is also gearing up for his upcoming movies- ‘Sandeep aur Pinky Farrar’ and ‘Panipat’.

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