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Leadstart signs teen Neeha Gupta for ‘Swapped’


17 year old Neeha Gupta has been signed by Leadstart publishing for her second book Swapped.

Swapped is an engaging story, a fictional tale outlining the tussle between teenage aspirations and parental expectations.

The theme of Neeha Gupta’s ‘Swapped’ has received initial praise from the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Smt. Rama Devi. “I am delighted to know that Neeha Gupta has shown a keen interest in writing from a young age. Her writing is well-intentioned as it inspires youngsters to not  harbor negative thoughts and encourages them to think positively about their future. “wrote the parliamentarian in a letter to Neeha.

Speaking about accepting Neeha’s book for publishing, Malini Nair, Head of Trade Publishing at Leadstart said, “Not just every teenager, but even parents can related to ‘Swapped’, because it taps into everyday themes like friendship, love, relationships and parent-child conflict; ultimately leading to self-discovery.”

This is Neeha’s second book. Her first book was titled “Different”

The book is expected to hit the stands in October 2019.

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