Face filled with confidence,eyes full of dreams,actions dripping positive attitude, charming personality and graceful approach. Finding a person with all of the above characteristics is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. VNN Entertainment is out with its team in search of someone who best fits all of the qualities and could be titled as  Mr. and Miss Prince and Princess of the state.

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A path towards Glamour:

  • V.N.N Entertainments organised the auditions for Mr. and Miss U.P Prince and Princess modeling contest .
  • The auditions were conducted on 26th October at Skyhilton Hotel , Alambagh.

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  • Furthermore, no less than 170 budding models of lucknow actively participated in the auditions.
  • These to-be-professional models not just walked the ramp but also presented their talents in activities like singing and dancing.
  • These auditions are being conducted throughout the state.
  • In addition to which, the next auditions for the titles is scheduled for 5th November in Kanpur.

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