Actor Dilip Kumar has been discharged on Wednesday from Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. He was being treated since past week for dehydration and kidney malfunction. Saira Bano, wife of Veteran actor Dilip Kumar stayed by his side throughout the tough times.

Husband’s recovery felt like miracle

  • Ajay Kumar Pandey Vice president of the hospital, who was also present at the scene said,” Saira Bano is Sati Savitri in a true sense.”
  • To which Saira Bano laughed and said, “Whose husband is India’s Kohinoor indefinitely his wife will be Sati Savitri.
  • All wives love their husbands and it’s no big deal.”
  • When asked about how the incident left her and how Dipil Kumar is feeling she said, He is in good health now. All of it felt like a night mare, how he suddenly fell sick.

  • I am thankful to the all mighty, this has been a miracle. Lilavati Management, everyone Pandeyji, Rekhaji, our doctors, our nurses and all his fans have prayed for his well-being everywhere was accepted by Allah and he is feeling well now. I am so excited it’s hard to talk.
  • I can’t tell you how grateful I am to God that we have come out of this.”
  • She also spoke about his health, she said “It was a terrible thing that happened within a few days he felt so sick we just didn’t know what to do.
  • Now with the help of hospital and everyone’s prayers he is feeling great.
  • He has started eating and talking a little too and after going home he will feel even better soon.”
  • Dilip Kumar has made several visits to the hospital in the last three years with a variety of ailments.

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  • Dilip Kumar’s has many titles and awards which include the Padma Bhushan in 1991 and the DadasahebPhalke Award in 1994.
  • He also received the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award in 2015.
  • He also holds the record for most Filmfare Best Actor wins.
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