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Shlloka Foundation Will Change The Food Landscape Of India Says Nidhi Kumar

‘DD News’ and ‘DD National’ Lead anchor Nidhi Kumar lends her support to ‘Food As Medicine’ by Shlloka Foundation and says the foundation will change the food landscape of India.

YoginiShlloka under her “Shlloka Foundation” launched the campaign “Food as Medicine” at SL Raheja Fortis Hospital in Mumbai. Trained under Sadhguru’s guidance, Shlloka is a profound IshaHatha Yoga teacher and touted as one of the youngest and promising pioneers of Classical Hatha Yoga in the country plans to improve food habits of Indians.


Pioneer in news anchoring Nidhi Kumar graced the event and lent her support to the campaign. Talking about working with Shlloka and her initiative, Nidhi Kumar said, “This movement by Shlloka started some three years ago. Now we’re planning to approach schools, Shlloka Foundation in association with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, the project is Bhog. The project will help change the food landscape of India. We’re planning to use food offering at Temple to proper use, so it doesn’t go waste”

Talking about the discussion and objective of the campaign, Nidhi Kumar said, “This initiative talks about eat right movement, and food and nutrition, and how it is advantageous to eat right kind of food and what is the right kind of food for India. We need to teach people about the right kind of food habits for ourselves and our children.

We need to change the mentality of people regarding food habits. We got to stop consuming junk food and move towards natural food. We must eat food which is good for our constitution. We’re planning to reach 4.2 million people with this movement and make them aware about the right kind of food and what is eat right for India”

The event was partnered by eminent personalities like Mr RizwanAdatia of RizwanAdatia Foundation and the business Czars of the Food industry; like Mr Baiju Das of Das Pendawala and Mr GirishChitale of ChitaleBandhu.

Talking about her initiative, Nidhi Kumar said, “World is talking about Yoga, Ayurveda, Veganism and eat right, they are Indian concepts and this initiative ‘Food as Medicine’ aims to revive the traditional food values of India. Aim to help people have a correct implementation of healthy diet”

The event saw a diverse panel of guests from Ayurvedic doctor like Dr Suresh Bhandarkar, Food technologists like Dr SmitaLele, Dr PrabodhHalde, Dr SubhaNishtala, Celebrity nutritionist like Sheryl Salis, International sports persons like Mr Sukhwinder Singh, Karmaveer Chakra Award Winner & Founder Chairman- SSLR Consultancy LLP- G.Rameshkumar ( Human Rights Ambassador ) and Sprititualists like YoginiShlloka.

The discourse looked at the importance of traditional homegrown ways of eating, importance of traditional medicine and lifestyle.  And busting the myth, that whatever goes from the East is Superstition and whatever comes from the west is Science.

The campaign can be followed on Instagram and Facebook by the name of Shlloka.

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