Condom ads featuring Bollywood actress and former pornstar Sunny Leone will be taken off display boards on state-run buses, Goa Transport Minister Sudin Dhavalikar said on Friday.

Removal demanded by congress MLA

  • The ads are currently displayed on the Kadamba Transport Corporation buses as part of an
  • advertising contract between the contraception company and the corporation.
  • Dhavalikar said the action was being taken after a demand seeking withdrawal of the

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  • ads was made by Congress MLA Francis Silveira during the monsoon session of the Goa assembly on August 1.
  • “…I also personally request the chairman and managing director of Kadamba (Transport Corporation)
  • that such type of ads are not to be considered in future, so that there wont be any problem towards the public,” Dhavalikar said.
  • “Whatever posters that are objected (to) by the public, I will request Chairman and MD of
  • Kadamba to remove that and take necessary cognizance in future.”
  • Furthermore, Silveira told reporters at the state assembly complex that he was glad the Bharatiya Janata Party-led
  • coalition government took cognizance of his complaint.
  • “Goa is a beautiful place, a tourism destination.
  • Goans are good people this cannot be allowed to happen here,” Silveira said in conclusion.
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