Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra believes in the power of constructive criticism, but says he takes criticism seriously when it comes from industry insiders. Within a short span since his debut with “Student Of The Year”, Sidharth has tasted a fair share of success and failure.

Reviews concentrate on the business potential of film

  • Asked whether he has learnt to handle criticism better after films like “Kapoor & Sons” and “Baar Baar Dekho”,
  • Sidharth told : “Well, I think film reviews don’t really help an actor to grow or improve
  • creativity because their words and comments are black and white…
  • They are always inching towards negative or positive.”
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  • “And I understand that for them, they mostly concentrate on the business potential of a film.”
  • The actor said he tries to do new characters with every film, and then assesses if he has got it right or explores the flaws.
  • Sidharth has also featured in films like “Hasee Toh Phasee”, “Ek Villain” before “Brothers”.

Success and failure are temporary

  • “‘Kapoor & Sons’ earned more than Rs 100 crore at the box office and people and critics showered their praise on me. And then ‘Baar Baar Dekho’ happened.
  • Now you understand… I do not live on my success and failure. It’s really temporary,” he said.
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  • “Our film ‘Brothers’ earned around Rs 85 crore at the box office. It is not a small number. So, calling the film a failure would be little unfair.
  • But I accept that we couldn’t live up to the expectation set by ‘Baar Baar Dekho’.
  • Such things happen… As a young actor, I will choose the script that won’t work at times and I will learn something out of that as well.”
  • Sidharth’s upcoming film is “A Gentleman: Sundar, Susheel, Risky”, in which he will be seen in a double role. The film revolves around a person with a mistaken identity.
  • “We had a great time working with everyone. Whether it is Raj, DK (director duo of the film) and Jacqueline (Fernandez), it was so much fun.
  • She is such a happy girl and has an infectious energy.
  • Hopefully, people will like the film.”
  • The Fox Star Studious film is releasing on August 25.
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