Shyamwar Rai, driver of Sheena Bora murder accused Indrani Mukerjea, made things clearer in the case through his statements. He has told a Mumbai court that the former media executive had also planned to kill Sheena’s brother Mikhail Bora. Shyamwar was arrested in August 2015 along with Indrani and her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna. Consequently, he turned approver in the case and has been pardoned by the court.

Accusations on Indrani:

  • Indrani Mukerjea was in news recently when she alleged that she was beaten up inside Mumbai’s Byculla Jail. There she is lodged, for protesting the “killing” life-term convict Manjula Shetye.
  • Furthermore , investigative agencies have cited the relationship between Sheena and Peter Mukerjea’s son Rahul as the motive.
  • Indrani and Khanna have been accused of plotting and executing the murder of Sheena, Indrani’s daughter from a previous relationship whom she had passed off as her sister for several years.
  • Indrani’s present husband and former media tycoon Peter Mukerjea was also arrested in the case in November 2015.

Shyamwar’s Statements:

  • In his deposition to the court on Friday, Shyamwar said: “In the evening, madam came downstairs and asked me to go to Bandra.
  • She also told me to drive slowly.By then Sheena and the man from Calcutta will reach Bandra.
  • She then asked me to move towards National College. I parked the car near National College.
  • After some time, a person arrived. I was present at the spot. She then told me that he is Sanjeev Khanna from Calcutta.”
  • He further stated that Indrani was doing something on her mobile when Khanna arrived. She (Indrani) then said something in English and smiled.
  • Rai added ,”Rahul (Peter Mukerjea’s son) and Sheena came in a car. Rahul saw us and then Sheena came towards Indrani madam. Rahul left the spot. Madam and Sheena hugged each other.
  • Madam then gave the medicine mixed in the Bisleri water bottle to Sheena. She drank some of it.
  • Sheena and madam then went towards Amarsons, a saree shop.
  • I took the driver’s seat. Sanjeev Khanna sat next to me. After some time, madam and Sheena came back.
  • Madam was carrying a bag of Amarsons” Shyamwar Rai
  • “I stopped the vehicle on the left side of the lane. There was a wall on the left side. Sanjeev Khanna got up and sat in the back, next to Sheena..
  • Then madam told me to cover Sheena’s mouth…. I turned towards Sheena and saw Sanjeev Khanna was holding Sheena’s hair. And madam was pressing Sheena’s neck… using both her hands. I closed Sheena’s mouth with my hand.
  • She bit my right hand thumb and I removed my hand… My thumb was bleeding” Rai said in addition.

Heard Sheena weeping

  • “Thereafter, they were speaking in English.
  • Then madam told me to take the car towards Pali Hill.
  • I took a right turn and went to Pali. They stopped talking.
  • Then madam told me to stop the car.
  • I saw from in the rear-view mirror that Sheena was sitting with her eyes closed “said Shyamwar Rai.
  • I heard Sheena weeping and making sounds.
  • After some time, Sheena Bora’s voice stopped and she became quiet. Sanjeev Khanna came in the front and sat next to me.
  • Madam then instructed me to move the car. Madam said something to Sanjeev Khanna in English.
  • She referred to Mikhail, Rahul and Worli: Shyamwar Rai to Mumbai court
  • RAi further told that Indrani then instructed him to stop at a point. Khanna alighted from the car.
  • Sheena was lying on the back seat and Indrani sat on the face of Sheena. She said ‘now she got her 3 BHK flat’.
  • I was then directed to take the car towards Taj Lands End Hotel.
  • Sheena was taken down from the seat. I stopped the car near the main gate of the hotel.
  • Madam then alighted from the car and told me to park. The hotel is in Bandra.
  • There’s a garden there. I parked the car there and loitered around.
  • I then proceeded towards madam and she told me that Rahul is calling on Sheena’s cell phone.
  • He had called many times. She said ‘I will message him’.
  • There is a small garden near Marlow building. She asked me to stop there.
  • Sanjeev Khanna came and sat in the car.
  • Madam told me to get a bag from the rear.

Indrani applied lipstick to Sheena’s dead body

  • “I got the bag out for her. By then, madam and Khanna had put Sheena’s body in the bag.
  • I had opened the garage by then. She then told me to keep the bag in the nearby garage. Khanna and I did so” said Shyamwar Rai.
  • “She then asked me to open the garage and the bag carrying Sheena’s body.
  • Khanna and I took the bag out and kept it in the back. Sheena was taken out (sic) and the bag was kept in the rear of the car.
  • Sheena was made to sit behind my seat in the car.
  • Madam then asked me to switch off my mobile phone. We then left on the Pen road. She asked me stop at a petrol pump on the road.
  • I stopped the car and got petrol in a can” said the driver in addition.
  • “Indrani madam applied lipstick on Sheena Bora and made sure her hair looked good.
  • The 20-litre petrol can was half-full.
  • Madam gave me the shoes she had bought to wear. We then proceeded towards Pen: Shyamwar Rai
  • Madam took a saree and gloves out of the bag. And kept them on the body.
  • She even kept the bag on her (Sheena). She then poured petrol over her (Sheena) and kept the can there.
  • Indrani madam took out matchsticks from her pockets and burnt her (Sheena).
  • Madam then told me to drop her to Bandra. She also instructed me to get the car cleaned.
  • Madam told me not to disclose the matter to anyone or else I will face dire consequences” Shyamwar Rai concluded.


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