If your son is a teenager and is badly addicted to alcohol than it’s time for you to take a call as this may affect his brain health too. He may be at risk of developing changes in brain structure and function which may further affect cognitive skills such as memory and attention, a study has shown.

Assistant Professor at Oregon State University in the US said:

  • Anita Cservenka, an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University in the US said.
  • Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of continued biological and psycho social maturation.
  • In addition, there may be deleterious effects of consuming large quantities of alcohol.
  • Consuming alcohol can be effective on neural development and associated cognition during this.
  • Cservenka added, the brain alterations, as a result of heavy alcohol during adolescence and adulthood.
  • Could also result in increased risk of developing an alcohol use disorder later on in life.

 What findings showed:

  • The findings showed that binge drinking among young people is associated with a brain.
  • It thins or reduces the areas of the brain.
  • Furthermore, these areas play a key role in memory, attention, language.
  • In addition, awareness and consciousness which include cortical and subcortical structures.
  • Binge or heavy episodic drinking means four or more standard drinks within a two-hour drinking session for females.
  • In addition, five or more drinks for males.
  • Previous studies have shown that heavy drinking leads to a deficit in the ability of young people to learn novel words.

Why teenagers should NEVER get drunk:

  • Excessive booze thins developing brains and may increase their risk of alcoholism.
  • Adolescents that binge drink have reduced brain tissue in certain regions.
  • Regions include those associated with reason, memory and problem solving.
  • There is also less activity in the areas linked to learning and voluntary response.
  • Drinking while brains are maturing may permanently harm the nervous system.
  • Researchers believe it is important to raise awareness of the risks of drinking.
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