Suffering from digestive problems like leaky gut and colitis? Consuming three and a half cups of a fibrous vegetable with many nutrients, like broccoli, each day may help maintain a healthy gut, a new study has suggested.
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According to a study:
- Good intestinal barrier function means that the gastrointestinal tract.
- In addition,is helping protect the intestines from toxins and harmful microorganisms, while allowing nutrients to pass into the system.
- And the study holds cruciferous vegetables.
- Such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage -contain an organic chemical compound.
- That further maintains a healthy gut flora and immune surveillance.
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- “There are a lot of reasons we want to explore helping with gastrointestinal health and one reason is if you have problems.
- Like a leaky gut, and start to suffer inflammation, that may then lead to other conditions, like arthritis and heart disease.
- Keeping your gut healthy and making sure you have good barrier functions so you’re not getting this leaky effect would be really big.
- In addition, broccoli may also help prevent cancerous diseases and Crohn’s Disease, caused by inflammation in the lining of the gut, the researchers suggested.
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Shivani Arora
Author of न्यूज़ पोर्टल. entertainment, lifestyle page-3 and cultural events. book reader and Reporter