To try to cook a dish like ‘Chilli Paneer’and ‘butter chicken’, would you like to turn over the pages of cooking books or watch online videos? In today’s time, all your questions are answered by online search engines, just type a word and you will find hundreds of thousands of related links in front of you. In such a time, are the cooking books losing their shine? Well, the writers and publishers do not feel anything like that.

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Writers and Publishers:

  • Today’s young and seasoned writers, who describe these recipes and related experiences and their aspects in detail in their books.
  • Say that their photographs in a cookery magazine brings out the dishes and their taste.
  • These books Your freedom of cooking by yourself will never be able to lose your glow.
  • The importance of books will continue.
  • Neolofar King, the American author of ‘My Bombay Kitchen-Traditional and Modern Parsi Home Cooking’.
  • Says that his fans like to read his social and cultural references about any food.
  • King said that I think there are people in my target audience who like to read a book in their social and cultural context.
  • In addition,who do not see the cooking book as mere dish lists and pictures.
  • The 74-year-old author has said that I think the importance of the books written on food will remain in the future forever.
  • Read books anywhere.

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  • Editor and publisher of the magazine ‘Upper Crust’, a journalist.
  • Says that the USP of Cooking Books is that they are more vibrant and quite private.
  • They said that you can read them in the train, you can read it in the plane, you do not have to close it, as you have to turn off your Wi-Fi in airplanes.
  • You cannot compare these pictures.
  • Books will not be out of circulation.
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