Decorate your home with ample lights be it in the form of lamps or chandeliers, introduce few planters with fresh flowers to the sad and empty corners of your home to bring in that positive vibes and tranquility, suggest experts.

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Experts have listed creative decor ideas: 

  • Fetch greenery inside: Adding planters with loads of fresh flowers and green plants creates the serene milieu.
  • Light the area right: Lights plays a key role in setting the ambiance right.
  • Adding up few chandeliers and lamps will create a beautiful serene in the room.
  • Also, incorporating few scented candles in your rooms is yet another great idea.
  • In addition, that not only spread aroma around but also generate the loving atmosphere around.
  • When we talk about bringing spring botanicals in your abode then instead of changing whole upholstery best way to bring them is in cushions or nature inspired curtains can also work well.
  • You can contrast them with neon colours and dwelling is ready with a makeover.

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Add floral designs and photoframes:

  • Adding floral design, nature upholstery pieces with contrasting rugs can also work well.
  • Also watercolour-style flower-print fabric can also be incorporated that can be used on key items, such as a footstool or cushions.
  • Small decorative pieces, fruit bowls, decorative ornaments and magazine baskets also enhance the look of the living room.
  • Hence plays a vital role in bringing any themed décor in the house.
  • You can add photoframes, bamboo décor products also smaller objects such as coasters.
  • In addition, decorative trays and room diffuser, art pieces works well.
  • Many a times we see that only one single colour wall is the focal point in any room.
  • This trend is passe. Instead use printed wallpapers to brighten any space in your house.
  • Furthermore, whether it is bedroom, living area, dining room or balcony as well.
  • Infuse the light scented candles that not only create an aromatic room but also create a nice ambience.
  • Furthermore, you can set a relaxing mood by arranging a variety of oil lamps and candles on decorative trays.
  • And let them work their magic on your senses.
  • Adorn your interiors with brighter shades of yellow, orange, red, blue and green.
  • Opt for the colours that complement each other and provide an exuberant aura to your home.
  • Use floral prints as decor in your home to keep your home lively, cheerful and fresh.
  • Keep aside the heavy drapes and welcome sheer or pellucid curtains in your homes.
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