Women in India are nearly 40 times more likely to die after being assaulted than their peers in the US, finds a comparative analysis of trauma data from both countries.

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According to a Study:

  • In the study, researchers from the University of Washington found three major causes of injury.
  •  Falls, road traffic accidents and domestic violence.
  • Indian men were more likely to die after sustaining any one of the three categories of injury.
  • In addition,than either Indian women or US men and women.
  • On the other hand, US men were three times as likely to die after sustaining a fall than US women.
  • However, the greatest disparity in risk of death emerged for Indian and US women.
  • Furthermore,who had assaulted  a difference the researchers described as “unparalleled”.
  • Domestic violence was found to increase the risk of death in Indian women by nearly 40 times than among the US women.
  • Importantly, evidence showed that only one in four female victims of assault in India.
  • Actively seeks care after experiencing intimate partner violence.

According to a researcher:

  • The higher odds of death for Indian females compared with US females suggest that there are other injury.
  • And systemic factors that contribute to this discrepancy in mortality odds.
  • For the study, the team drew on information submitted to Indian (11,670 cases) and US (14,155 cases) trauma databases for 2013 to 2015.
  • The Indian database comprised patients from four hospitals in Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi.
  • While the US database included patients treated at level 1 trauma centres in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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