Eating protein equally in the three daily meals could lead to greater mass and muscle strength in the elderly, says a study.Many seniors consume the majority of their daily protein intake at lunch and dinner. The new study suggests that breakfast should also be protein rich.

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According to a study:

  • We wanted to see if people who added protein sources to breakfast.
  • And therefore had balanced protein intake through the three meals, had greater muscle strength.
  • For the study the research team examined both the amount of protein consumed and its distribution among people aged 67 and over.
  •  Team used the database from a study which included nearly 1,800 people who were followed for three years.
  • They reviewed the protein consumption patterns of 827 healthy men and 914 healthy women aged 67 to 84 years.
  •  Trying to establish links with variables such as strength, muscle mass or mobility.

    The researchers found that participants – both men and women – who consumed protein in a balanced way during the day had more muscle strength than those who consumed more during the evening meal and less at breakfast.

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