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Employees At Twitter And What They Do



The last update on the employees at Twitter was in 2009. Much has changed at Twitter Inc afterwards. Twitter now has approx 3583 employees worldwide.

People normally know about Jack Dorsey (@Jack), Evan Williams (@Ev), Biz Stone (@Biz) and few others.

There are many others who are instrumental in making Twitter what it is today.

Gathering information on these employees of Twitter was a time taking task as had to look their About  information.

Here is a list of the people who work for Twitter including, with official confirmation where possible, details of what they do.

If you have an interest in keeping up-to-speed with all developments on the network, you may find following some of these accounts of enormous benefit.

Twitter Employees
Name Twitter Handle Designation
Jack Dorsey @jack CEO
Kenneth @kpk Engineering Manager
Jessica Verrilli @jess Senior director of Corp & Strategy
Ben Ward @benward Publisher Platform PM
Tian Wang @wangtian Software Engineer
Tufan Demir @tufan Security Engineer
Carolyn Penner @cpen Brand Builder
Jon Bettcher @Pufferfish Mobile Engineer
Del Harvey @delbius Head of Twitter Trust and Safety
Yoel Roth @yoyoel Product Trust
Olivia @olivia_says Marketing
Karen White @karenwhite Public Welfare at twitterforgood
Micheal Shafrir @mcs Android
Katie Jacobs Stanton @KatieS CMO
Dylan @dylanparks Brand, Advertising  AdTech
Matt Derella @derella Twitter Client’s Solutions
Joel Lunenfled @joell VP Global Brand and Creative Strategy
Kumar Chellapilla @kumarc1 Web Search, Ads, Social Media
Sung Hu Kim @sunghu Product
Chad Tully @ChadTully Sales
Ross Hoffman @hoff VP Global Content Partnership
Kyle Cttermole @KCattermole Finance
Jordan Robinson @mighty55 Brand Strategy Creative
Ashish Virmani @virmani Engineering Manager
Niki @nikilustig Head of Learning and Development
Ryan Brown @brownday Head of Live Studio
Lucy O’Dwyer @LoobeyLoo Head of Video Sales and Strategy
Grace Kim @gracie VP of Design + Research
Wanli Yang @wy Software Engineer
Jinen Kamdar @jinen Director of Product
Coleen Baik @colbay Advisor
Dave Benjamin @ramenlabs Codes
Cheryl @che HR
Mark Fresie @TweetGuyMark Account Executive
Julianna Hayes @julianna Sales Finance
Laura King @LK Content Partnership
Emily Lanfear @elanfear Content Partnership
Bridget Harvey @Missinterested Brand Strategy
Robin Wheeler @robinw Client Solution Leader
Chris Gilbody @Gilbo Senior Client Partner
Sylvia @sylvialam Product Marketing
Liz Newman Primm @enewman Sales Management
Dave Mitchell @tweek_sf Native Coloradoan and FMR
Mike Kruzeniski @mkruz Design Director
Ashley Ramirez @SmashHawk Brand Makteting Partnership
Martyn @martyn Agency Partnership
Misha Lushin @MishaL Android Developer
Jan Chong @lessachu Director of Engineering
An @andres Software Engineer
Mazdak Hashemi @mazdakh VP of Infrastructure and Operations Engineering

This list is subject to revision, but was considered accurate at the time of writing. Please contact me on Twitter with  corrections or additions if any.



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