Do you get worried, stressed and anxious when your boss entrusts a task to you? There is, however, a way to handle the task efficiently without placing yourself under undue stress.

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According to a study:

  • Expressing your feelings on a sheet of paper can cool your brain.
  • And help you perform the stress-inducing task more efficiently, finds a study.
  • According to researchers, worrying takes up cognitive resources.
  • Due to the worrying, you are constantly multi-tasking.
  • Because you are doing one task and trying to monitor and suppress your worries at the same time.
  • Our findings show that if you get these worries out of your head through expressive writing.
  • In addition,those cognitive resources are freed up to work toward the task you’re completing and you become more efficient,” said lead author.
  • Previous research has shown that expressive writing can help individuals process past traumas or stressful events.
  • Expressive writing makes the mind work less hard on upcoming stressful tasks.
  • In addition,which is what worriers often get ‘burned out’ over, their worried minds working harder and hotter,” added researcher.

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  • This technique takes the edge off their brains so they can perform the task with a ‘cooler head’,”Researchers explained.
  • For the study, college students identified as chronically anxious through a validated screening measure completed a computer-based “flanker task” that measured their response accuracy and reaction times.
  • Before the task, about half of the participants wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings about the upcoming task for eight minutes.
  • The other half, in the control condition, wrote about what they did the day before.

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While the two groups performed at about the same level for speed and accuracy, the expressive-writing group performed the flanker task more efficiently, meaning they used fewer brain resources.

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