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59 मिनट में 1 करोड़ ऋण योजना एक जुमला स्कीम और फ्रॉड है ?

1cr in just 59 minutes

1cr in just 59 minutes

We heard recently 4-5 days before that PM Modi announced special Bank loan schemes for small business sector peoples quoting to avail Loan up to 1cr in just 59 minutes ..National media spread it widely quoting that its a diwali gift to enterprenures by PM Modi . On Nov.2nd From Vigyan Bhawan PM Modi again threw a Jumla Scheme and National Mainstream Media is started praising the scheme . Here I am quoting few media reports for the same .
[penci_blockquote style=”style-1″ align=”none” author=””]Fact Check : Is Loan up to 1cr in just 59 minutes possible?[/penci_blockquote]
FM Arun Jaitely launched   this in last week of september 
Earlier in the last week of September Finance Minister Arun Jaitley inaugurated this portal   https://www.psbloansin59minutes.com/home  you may read the story at this news link-
in vigyan bhawan on 2nd novemebr PM Modi again quoted this scheme initiative that his govt is provided a system to get up to 1cr loan in just 59 min,
How it can happens in 59 minute 
Earlier I have mentioned in my conferences and stories that Modi govt is an excellent event management company, they know how to attract voters -how to create a buzz ..the word in just 59 minutes its again their branding strategy .
How the scheme will works pls go to —
https://www.psbloansin59minutes.com/home    go through their privacy policy , disclaimer and Terms & Condition page you noticed that this website is owned and managed by a company  CapitaWorld Platform Pvt. Ltd. located at Ahmedabad .
when any person register at this portal it is free of cost, when a person fills and upload all his particulars details and required papers .the website offered them a principal approal letter of loan based on their documents which they provided as well CIBIL Check etc ..then borrower need to pay a sum of 1000/-+ GST at this portal to get his loan approval letter .
the fact check what exactly going here —
this website is working as a facilitator like other popular webportals i.e. bankbazar.comor paisabazar.com . the only main credential this website is taking that it was inaugurated by FM Arun jaitley and Marketed  By the Big Corporate Brand Ambassdaor None other than PM Narendra Modi.
this is not a govt website ,its a 100% private portal owned by PM Modi crony friends and this time He wanted to facilitate them Millions of rupees when thousands of people will apply there and paid a sum of 1000/- each as service fees .
Website is approving a principal approval only Not disbursing any single ruppes. Website will collect your data and submit to the bank . Finally the borrower need to contact with bank with all his hard copies documents and now that bank will decide/judge how much loan they can disburse or simply they can reject it too on various reasons . the website is working as a broker only like too many newspaper advertisements we can see daily basis .
But compare to others this broker website has a strong connection with FM & PM Directly so they are lucky and now started looting innocent people 1000/- each
Why FM Arun Jaitley & PM Narendra Modi launched and inaugurated this privately run website 
Very first reason is to help their crony friends those are behind this webportal,, for which i studied the company profile ”CapitaWorld Platform Pvt. Ltd”
and second reason is the data collection . the data of millions of peoples that help the BJP For their social media/electronic election campaign .
third reason is branding and establish this like their govt achievements ,and willingness to help msme sector.
Analysis of the company ”CapitaWorld Platform Pvt. Ltd” to whom PM Narendra Modi is trying to Help 
this company was incorporated on 30th march 2015 and registered address at Ahmedabad . till 31st March 2017 this Company was not functional .
look at the company website  https://capitaworld.com/index.html 
Main Directors are father son duo named Jinnad Shah professionally qualified CA And His Father Vikas Manilal Shah .
One director Vinod Durlabhji Modha who resigned this company On 1st Nov. 2016 is a senior level officer in Reliance Group.
Another Director recently joined on 4th Sep. 2018 is Akhil Handa -His profile accessed at linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/akhilh/?originalSubdomain=in
           He is working As advisor to MD Bank of Baroda . 
two more directors are on board from 26th july 2018 they are also hold their role in board of SBI CAP & SIDBI . Named  Mustafa mohammad & Narayan Sadananadan but these two were also found connected As Bjp think tank .
Who is Akhil Handa and why he is on board here !
Akhil Handa was the close right hand to PK Prashant Kishore , he worked in CAG Citizen for accountable governance and Did a lot of data analytics job for Narendra Modi Election Campaign 2014
read his role here http://biwhiz.com/How-Big-Data-and-Analytics-Proved-To-Be-A-Major-Catalyst-Behind-Mr-Modi-Success.html
Now it is clear what Narendra Modi and their political strategiest wants to do–this portal claiming 1cr in 59 minute is a tool for their Data analytics ,Election branding campaign
Main Questions and Guns towards Motive of PM Narendra Modi 

Enough said, Now the questions:
1. How can Capitaworld sanction a loan and tag the bank? What is their locus standi? What authority? Quite simply, the sanction doesn’t mean a scrap of tissue paper. In our language, it is a lead generation platform?
2. How were they chosen? Criteria? Qualifications?
3. They were neither operational nor had experience. How were they short listed?
4. Shahs, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Too many coincidences?
5. Modha, Mudra, Anil Ambani..Hmm..a good coincidence
6. How was such a massive project trusted to a company with no experience? or company backed by Modi election campaigner ?
7. What were the terms of the contract?
8. Any projections on how much money CapitaWorld makes?
9. Is it true the RS.1160 { 1000 +gst }  we paid goes to Capitaworld . we can  Imagine a million SMEs applying?
10. Anything on data privacy and Non Disclosure agreements? while the director Akhil Handa is known for data analytics job

The loan is a long way off. The smoking gun has already arrived! I hope some serious citizen will take care my concern and they will point out it on their social media plateforms and finally we will be able to expose the modi govt joke with innocent msme persons.

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