An update to Gmail app for Android devices is being rolled out that brings some minor but visually distinct changes to the service.

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Gmail for Android:

  • Swiping to archive an email is now presented in a different way.
  • In addition,giving users access to an undo button located at the bottom of the screen.
  • This placement makes it easy to undo the archiving using your thumb while gripping the phone, reported on Saturday.
  • Earlier, swiping an email to either left or right in the Gmail app (in Android device).
  • Ffurthermore,would be followed by an “undo” action appearing within the coloured bar where the email had been located.
  • The tweak is being seen as a result of big screen smartphones becoming more popular and taking over the market.
  • After the update to the app, users can access the “undo” button with the thumb making no second-hand usage necessary.
  • The latest updated to Gmail app would also allow users access Google account settings through “My Account” in the app.
  • The latest tweak is not very big but the “swipe-to-archive” is definitely more modern and in line with many other Google apps.

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