Special News

From literature to sports, RHYTHM’17 celebrates the spirit of college life! 

      • About Rhythm:

      • RHYTHM is a week long event which kick started on 1st November and will continue till 6th of November. It has events events divided under various sections named HERCULES STREAK, BRAIN-O-BRAIN, PICASSO HUNT, ENDORPHINS,PASSIONISTA, SPIRIT OF RHYTHM, VOGUE, DJ NIGHT and CELEBRITY NIGHT. Hercules streak includes all the sports events while Brain-o Brain includes all the literary events like creative writing , poetry writing etc. Furthermore, Picasso hunt has all the fine arts event like pot and t shirt paintings and Endorphins consists of all the informal events. In addition to which Passionista contains music dance and skit presentations and Spirit of Rhythm is the giving up of the Mr. and Miss RHYTHM titles.
      • Furthermore, in the week long journey , uttarpradesh.org will be covering the event and bringing the latest updates being the digital media partner of the event.
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Special News

From literature to sports, RHYTHM’17 celebrates the spirit of college life! 

Hind Institute of Medical Sciences ,Safedabad, Barabanki road has organised an inter medical college event RHYTHM’17. This event focuses on enjoyment of students and also helps in establishing contacts between medicos of different colleges. The program started on 1st November and on the 3rd day , students enjoyed the finales of various sports events.

Enjoying sports and literature at the same time:

Sports,informal events ,literary,fine art events were organised from 1st to 3rd Nov.

Under the Brain-o-Brain Category, events like hindi debate, extempore, creative writing and J.A.M. were conducted.

Furthermore, students actively participated in other events like face painting, treasure hunt, clay modeling,quiz, balloon pyramid,soap carving, poster making horse play and many more.

Mayo institute of medical sciences won the cricket tournament whereas hind institute of medical sciences were runner up.

Hind institute of medical sciences bagged the trophy of football,volleyball and basketball.

Furthermore,students also enjoyed a live karaoke session which was played for entertainment in the evening.

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