Less well-known than the other crypto traders, Sahil Bank is a trader who has spent six years actively trading in equities, derivatives, and crypto-assets. Sahil Banks is the best classical chartist one can study or follow; he is highly recommended. He has benefited most of his trades because of his systematic approach to risk and trade management, the best way to control trading emotions. All traders would benefit from his extraordinary knowledge and experience of charting and how markets behave.

Sahil Banks shares helpful educational and thought-provoking resources through Facebook. As an early adopter of digital assets, he also dedicates his time to running two bitcoin-related podcasts that delve deeper into the technical aspects of digital currencies, the future of decentralized finance, the rise of neo-banking non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Trading doesn’t mean sticking blindly to your ideals but interpreting how the price is moving to predict the probabilities of where it could head from there. If you are looking for advanced setups with extensive crypto knowledge, his account will also satisfy the more demanding ones among our readers. He watched various videos related to cryptocurrencies on YouTube, mainly in English. He realized that discussions in Hindi about the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies were missing in India. The main goal was to post videos and educate others traders. He started getting views and followers on Facebook, and it grew. He was never serious about it, but the cryptocurrency community became like a second family to me.

He regularly runs live streams that he is highly recommended for. He clearly describes the setups and explains how they should be tackled according to his view, but he also emphasizes the importance of educating the viewers.

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