Lack of regular circadian sleep may be behind attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which affects around 75 per cent of children and adults, according to a new study.
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
- ADHD, which is associated with many sleep-related disorders.
- Including restless-leg syndrome, sleep apnea, circadian rhythm disturbance.
- And delayed sleep phase syndrome, was until now thought to be separate issues.
- There is extensive research showing that people with ADHD also tend to exhibit sleep problems.
- However,based on existing evidence, it looks very much like ADHD and circadian problems are intertwined in the majority of patients.
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According to the findings:
- Because the day and night rhythm is disturbed, the timing of several physical processes is disturbed, not only of sleep.
- But also of temperature, movement patterns, timing of meals.
- In 75 per cent of ADHD patients, the physiological sleep phase where people show the physiological signs associated with sleep.
- Such as changes in the level of the sleep hormone melatonin and changes in sleep-related movement is delayed by 1.5 hours.
- Many sufferers benefit from taking melatonin in the evening or bright light therapy in the morning.
- In adddition,which can help reset the circadian rhythm.
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- Researchers are working to confirm this physical-mental relationship by finding biomarkers.
- Such as Vitamin D levels, blood glucose, cortisol levels, 24 hour blood pressure and heart rate variability.
- In addition,which may help “to treat some ADHD by non-pharmacological methods.
- Such as changing light or sleep patterns and prevent the negative impact of chronic sleep loss on health, Expert said.
- We don’t say that all ADHD problems are associated with these circadian patterns.
- But it looks increasingly likely that this is an important element, Expert noted.