Are you addicted to alcohol? Just 11 minutes of mindfulness strategies, which includes a combination of meditation, body awareness and yoga may help you start reducing alcohol consumption, researchers led by one of Indian-origin has showed.

Read also:Alcohol addiction in adolescence may affect memory.

According to experts:

  • We found that a very brief, simple exercise in mindfulness can help drinkers cut back, and the benefits can be seen quite quickly.
  • Mindfulness teaches a heightened awareness of one’s feelings and bodily sensations.
  • So that they pay attention to cravings instead of suppressing them.
  • By these strategies the participants were able to tolerate the cravings to drink as temporary events without needing to act on them.
  • Practising mindfulness can make a person more aware of their tendency to respond reflexively to urges.
  • By being more aware of their cravings, we think, the study participants were able to bring intention back into the equation.
  • Furthermore,instead of automatically reaching for the drink when they feel a craving.

Read also:Read how alcohol keeps diabetes away!

Just 11 minutes training:

  • In the study, after an 11-minute training session and encouragement to continue practising mindfulness.
  • In addition,which involves focusing on what’s happening in the present moment.
  • Heavy drinkers drank less over the next week than people who were taught relaxation techniques.
  • The mindfulness group drank 9.3 fewer units of alcohol  in the following week compared to the week preceding the study.
  • While there was no significant reduction in alcohol consumption among those who had learned relaxation techniques.
  • Severe alcohol problems are often preceded by patterns of heavy drinking.
  • So the researchers are hopeful that mindfulness could help to reduce drinking before more severe problems develop, the researchers said.

Read also:Use Alcohol to boost memory!

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