Your love for green tea may help improve memory as well as insulin resistance in the brain caused by a high-fat and high-fructose diet, researchers say.

According to Study:

  • A study, involving mice, showed that green tea contains an ingredient known as EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate).
  • EGCG, the most abundant catechin and biologically active component.
  • This component has the potential to alleviate insulin resistance,a precursor to type II diabetes that is induce by obesity.
  • As well as improve age-related cognitive decline, accompanied by peripheral inflammation, the researchers said.

Xuebo Liu from the Northwest A&F University in Yanglin:

  • Xuebo Liu from the Northwest A&F University in Yangling, China.
  • Green tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, and is grown in at least 30 countries.
  • “The ancient habit of drinking green tea may be a more acceptable alternative to medicine when it comes to combatting obesity, insulin resistance, and memory impairment,” Liu added.
  • Previous research pointed to the potential of EGCG to treat a variety of human diseases such as bone marrow disorders.
  • In addition,reducing the kidney toxicity and damage caused by cancer drug, as well as some heart conditions.
  • For the study, published in The FASEB Journal.
  • The team divided three-month-old male mice into three groups based on diet.
  • 1, a control group fed with a standard diet.
  • 2, a group fed with an high-fat and high-fructose (HFFD) diet.
  • 3, a group fed with an HFFD diet and 2 grams of EGCG per liter of drinking water.
  • The researchers monitored the mice for 16 weeks and found that those fed with HFFD had a higher final body weight than the control mice, and a significantly higher final body weight than the HFFD+EGCG mice.

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