In today’s time where forest are depleting day by day, places for animals are shrinking ,their natural habitat is being disturbed continuously without thinking about their families , their lives but some people are still working and still thinking about these voiceless lives . One of them who is working on this purpose is Ritesh Trivedi . He is running a mission ” jeev hi shiv ” for years for animals.

Ritesh is a postgraduate in mathematics from LU . His love for animals is from his childhood . His inspiration for animal love are his parents . He not only provides shelter to the injured animals but also provides them with food and water. Last but not least whenever he finds a dead animal on road who died due to accident he also does their cremation.
At present in Lucknow ” Bada Mangal ” is being celebrated by Lucknowites by doing bhandaras, Ritesh is continuously doing bhandaras for aniamals which he has named “Vanar Bhoj “.
He goes to places where monkeys are living, he goes in their surroundings and gives them food without any fear . He says “we are worshiping Hanuman ji in idols Hanuman ji was incarnated on earth in form of monkeys body , people in old days worshiped monkey as hanuman ji but in the present scenario, there is no place, no one to give them food . For years he is serving monkeys , also recriminates monkeys whenever he finds any dead one, he buries them with full honor. He also tries to encourage other people by sharing posts on Facebook and other social media platforms . He requests people to give food to the monkeys on any important day of life like on their birthday, thus they will not only get blessings . Ritesh added whenever I see people throwing stones on monkeys I explain them because he is hungry he has come to your home, we have taken away their homes you should not torture him them instead serve them .We should help a hungry animal by giving them food , quench his thirst by giving water and injured by giving medicines . If we do nothing for them at-least don’t torture them.