A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions. As per this, Blood donation camp was organised in Lucknow. The humble step towards saving the lives in danger due to non availability of blood.

Blood Donation Camp:

  • Department of Statistics, University of Lucknow in Co-ordination with Blood Connect and SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
  • Organized Blood Donation Camp in the department today which was remarkably successful.
  • Due huge participation from faculty, students and employees.
  • Along with Pro Vice Chancellor Prof UN Dwivedi, Dean Arts Prof PC Mishra, DSW Prof RK Singh, LUTA- GS Dr Durgesh Srivastava.
  • Prof Sheela Misra , head also donated​ one unit of blood for this noble cause in this camp.
  • The statistics of Need Vs. Availability of blood in our country is eye opener.
  • In India, nearly every 2 seconds there is a need of blood for a  patient to save her/ his.
  • Thus more than 38000 units of blood is needed per day.
  • That means around 4 crore blood units per year against which nearly 40 lakh units are available.
  • To fill this gap this was a humble step by us towards saving the lives in danger due to non availability of blood.
  • All donors were Feeling great to donate Blood  Towards Saving Lives in danger.

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