Mumbai, 1st October 2019: India’s Transformation into a Digital Society has well and truly begun. It is unparalleled in the world both in scale and substance. For its complete success, we must ensure that NO INDIAN is excluded from the fruits of the Digital Revolution.
- In today’s connected world, affordable Internet is as much of a fundamental human need – and a fundamental human right — as Roti, Kapda and Makaan.
- Which is why, in addition to voice calling across India,
- Jio also made data services within reach of the neediest Indians.
While non-Jio operators charge over Rs 500 per GB for poor-quality 2G data,
- Jio’s fully 4G network provides the most-affordable data charges with highest quality data.
- Further, Jio made the world’s cheapest 4G-enabled Smartphone available to common Indians.
- Every Indian will be proud to know that the Jio Smartphone is the only smartphone that is made in India, by Indians, for Indians, and with an Indian Operating System!
- At Rs 1,500, Jio Phone is lesser than one-fourth the price of the cheapest smartphone available in the market.
- Since its launch, nearly 7 crore 2G users have been on-boarded on the Jio Phone platform,giving them first-time access to a powerful lineup of digital services.
Even so, the DIGITAL INDIA dream is yet to be fully realized.
- This is because as many as 35 crore Indians, who are still on 2G networks, do not have smartphones.
- They are among the most underprivileged in our country for whom even the low price of the JioPhone remains unaffordable.
- These 35 crore 2G users currently make the difficult choice of either giving up data services altogether or paying extremely high data rates for poor quality 2G data.
They neither have the benefit of free voice calls nor can they use the Internet.
- Therefore, Jio is taking another major step towards ensuring TOTAL DIGITAL INCLUSION of all Indians.
- Today, Jio makes a special one-time offer called the JIO PHONE DIWALI 2019 OFFER.
- During the festive season of Dussehra and Diwali, Jio is making the Jio Phone available for a special price of only Rs 699 as against the current price of Rs. 1500.
- This is a clear saving of over Rs. 800 without any special conditions like having to exchange your old phone.
This price is far lower than many of the current 2G feature phones in the market.
- As such, the final barrier that has prevented feature phone users from upgrading to 4G services is now eliminated.
- Against a commitment of Rs 700, that a Joi Phone customer invests to buy a Jio Phone and migrate from a 2G to 4G data world, Jio is promising to make an investment from its side.
- This is Jio’s investment and a commitment towards bringing the neediest sections of Indian society into the Internet economy.
- For Jio Phone customers who join Jio through the DIWALI 2019 OFFER, Jio will offer data benefits valued at Rs 700.
For first 7 recharges that the customer does, Jio will additionally add Rs 99 worth of data.
- This additional data worth Rs 700 will enable Jio Phone users to enter an unseen world of entertainment, payments, e-commerce, education, learning, train and bus booking, artificial intelligence apps and lots more.
- The savings of Rs 800 on the Jio Phone and the Rs 700 worth of data, totals to a massive benefit of Rs 1,500 on every Jio Phone.
This benefit of Rs 1,500 is Jio’s Diwali Gift for a prospering digital India.
- Jio invites all Indians using 2G services to make the most of this one-time offer available during the festive month and upgrade to the Jio Phone platform.
- Shri Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman & Managing Director of Reliance Industries Ltd. Said, “Jio will ensure that no Indian is deprived of affordable Internet and the fruits of the Digital Revolution.
- By offering the ‘Jio Phone Diwali Gift’, we are making an investment of Rs 1,500 towards bringing every new person from the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid into the Internet Economy.
- This also shows our commitment to the success of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s visionary DIGITAL INDIA MISSION.”
About Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited:
- Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (“Jio”), a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited (“RIL”), has built a world-class all-IP data strong future proof network with latest 4G LTE technology.
- It is the only network conceived and born as a Mobile Video Network from the ground up and supporting Voice over LTE technology.
- It is future ready and can be easily upgraded to support even more data, as technologies advance on to 5G, 6G and beyond.
- Jio will bring transformational changes in the Indian digital services space to enable the vision of Digital India for 1.2 billion Indians and propel India into global leadership in the digital economy.
It has created an eco-system comprising of network, devices, applications and content, service experience and affordable tariffs for everyone to live the Jio Digital Life.
- As part of its customer offers, Jio has revolutionised the Indian telecom landscape by making voice calls for Jio customers absolutely free, across India, to any network, and always.
- Jio makes India the highest quality, most affordable data market in the world so that every Indian can do Datagiri.
About Reliance Retail:
- Reliance Retail Limited (RRL), a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), is India’s largest retailer and has established leadership position across various focus sectors.
- Reliance Retail operates 10644 retail stores across more than 6700 cities covering an area of over 23 million sq. ft. as on 30th June 2019.
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