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Uttar Pradesh

Last day of Daan Utsav celebrated by spreading smiles in the slums

The Joy of Giving week, or the “Daan Utsav” was being celebrated across the nation. Many activities were organised daily from 2nd Oct to 8th Oct to make people experience the joy of happiness, sharing and helping others. The last day was celebrated with the same enthusiasm .

Day 7 of Daan Utsav this year in Lucknow :

Day 7

Also read:Daan Utsav Day 2: Let girls study and underprivileged grow.

A Day in the slums:

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The last day of the daan utsac was Celebrated some very good moments at Sudamapuri slum, A. P. Sen road. Different activities were organised by RJ Tulika and other volunteers for different sections of the slums .


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