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Uttar Pradesh

Maid, Madam and Mahabharata

mahagun society riot

Mahagun Mordene, a posh society in Noida, Uttar Pradesh witnessed a strange incident on Thursday. Rahul Sahay, who lives in Mahagun Society, held his maid zora captive, after this incident, hundreds of maids from her village,with rocks and iron rods stormed her owner’s apartment. Zora is accused of stealing 17,000 rupees; the incident was covered by several Indian media houses including international media like NYT as well.

Police has detented 45 people, also arrested many of them. Police has also recognised the misdeeds by CCTV of the society but the way international media presented this case is topic of debate.

New York Times termed issue as ‘Clash of Class’ (Mahagun society riot):

Disputed part of New York Times (Mahagun society riot):

45 people have arrested (Mahagun society riot):

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