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Uttar Pradesh

Interview: The Angel for Orphan Animals is ‘Shyam Sadhu’

shyam sadhu interview
So far, you must have heard the names of many famous Baba, who are currently being  punished the bars behind bars. But in UP, there is a Baba who is a messiah of wild animals. This Baba considers Prime Minister Narendra Modi as god and Chief Minister Adityanath Yogi, a warrior of the young generation.
  • The specialty of Baba is that to protect the innocent and save lives, he had spent half of his life without eating.
  • Not only this, he is his both the daughters work along him in this noble cause.
  • Even if different types of things are being discussed in the name of “go raksha” and
  • many organizations are working to protect the cows.
  • But these institutions prove themselves by just photographing that they are working.
  • But this baba is actually working at the grassroots level.
  • It is not ours, but people living in every area of ​​the district themselves do not stop talking about Baba’s work.
  • When the team of uttarpradesh.org got information about Baba’s miraculous works,
  • our team spent all day with Baba and gathered all the information about him.
  • You will be stunned after hearing about Baba.
  • So let us give you some more information about Baba, through this unique report.

Who is the Baba?

  • First of all, you must be wondering that after all who is this Baba? So let’s first talk about Baba.
  • Born on June 02, 1937 in Bermo station of Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand,
  • Krishna Kumar Mishra is currently living with his family in Rae Bareli district of UP.
  • According to Krishna Kumar, his father himself. Bal Bhardar Saran Mishra was the  inspecter of the Hazari Bagh police station.
  • In the British era, Krishna Kumar had a feeling of social service in his mind, he came to his uncle’s home in Varanasi at an early age.
  • By the age of 8, he lived at his maternal uncle’s house.
  • Krishna Kumar’s paternal village is situated in Bande village of Gurubakhshganj Rae Bareli.
  • He stayed here for 30 years.
  • His ancestral home is in Suraj Bhawan Kothi on Kachehari Road, Rae Bareli.
  • So he came here and started living.
  • When Krishna Kumar grew up, the family members were married to
  • Satyabhama Mishra, daughter of Divakar Dutt Tripathi in Maureana, in Unnao district.
  • After this, his two daughters Geeta and Anjali were born. At this time both daughters have been married.

People started calling hum insane

  • By staying in the in-laws, Krishna Kumar started serving the orphan animals.
  • At the same time he started the protection of the environment and helping the poor.
  • During this time his family members protested a lot.
  • His government school retired wife also opposed her husband’s work, then settled in Rae Bareli.
  • During this time his younger daughter Geeta and elder daughter Anjali accompanied him.
  • When Krishna Kumar started serving the orphan animals, people started calling him mad.
  • If he helped the injured dog people called him kutta Baba.
  • Furthermore,when he helped the ass, then people called him Gandha Baba.
  • Similar people of horse horses, mad baba have also given their names.
  • But in the meantime he removed caste from his name and kept his name Shyam Sadhus.
  • Shyam Sadhu told that when his good deeds were printed by the newspapers, he was saved.
  • The people of Varna society were sending him crazy food.

Interview with Shyam Sadhu:


Gave river Ganga the status of national river

  • During the special conversation, Shyam Sadhu told that he had given 49 days after Mahatma Gandhi to give the status of National River for Ganges river.
  • Even after doing such a big job, he was not thanked by the Government of Manmohan at that time. (shyam sadhu interview)
  • Apart from this, he had demanded on the birth anniversary of Ambedkar
  • 15 years ago that those who removed the caste from the name ahead should be given to them.
  • This news was also prominently published by the newspapers.

Reality of Rose Water and Flowers

  • Shyam Sadhu told that in many countries people crave a drop of rose water.
  • For the leaders of that country, thousands of kantals are worn by the garlands of flowers and they are crushed under the feet. (
  • It hurts so much that it can not be told.
  • He said that three District Collectors of the district have appreciated his work.
  • But scoundrel leaders always do evil of their deeds.
  • They told that a road located near them was quite shabby.
  • He started the campaign several times to build it but leaders and officials will not be able to do this in the ears.
  • 30 lakh bribe for criticizing PM
  • Social Savi Baba Shyam Sadhu said that many Baba’s people looted the public and made crores of rupees worth of property.
  • But he wasted the wealth of millions of rupees in the service of orphaned animals.
  • He said that for criticizing the Prime Minister, the leaders of opposition
  • parties asked him to raise voice against Modi by launching a bribe of Rs 30 lakh but he turned it down while remaining firm on his way.

Angel for the orphan animals

  • Sadhu Shyam is also known by the name of Monkey Man.
  • They are also known for the monkey banquet. (shyam sadhu interview)
  • As soon as Shyam Sadhus reach between monkeys, they encircle hundreds of monkeys.
  • Every day, roti, gram and wheat are feeding to these hundreds of monkeys.
  • Because of this, the monkey loves Baba very much.
  • Baba has uploaded many videos of food feeding among the monkeys, on YouTube.

Save the lives of hundreds of orphan animals

  • According to Shyam Sage, he has saved hundreds of livelihoods so far.
  • They saved more than 300 cows, more than 30 monkeys, more than 150 assholes, 5 horses, and 4 pigs.
  • If the injured monkey dies, then he is taken to a famous place called
  • Hanuman Chaura and burying him in a cloth written in the name of Shri Ram.
  • Not only that, he has also made his house a graveyard.
  • They buried many dead animals here.
  • Along with many states, foreign plants are also engaged in the house together with a garden.
  • Who are making the beauty of Baba’s house.

People started organising feast for monkeys to save their lives:

  • Shyam Sadhu told that in the same way as Hanuman ji is known by the name of troublemaker.
  • In the same way, the monkeys feed (feeding monkeys) are far from the crisis.
  • He told that he has done more than 14000 wildlife sanctuaries so far.
    Which is the world record in itself.
  • Not only this, Baba Shyam Sadhu has provided more than 5000 childrens (feeding children).
  • He said that he had served as a Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for Jai Lalita, he had lived a long time in the hospital.
  • Apart from this, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was given a banquet by the Baba Shyam Sadhu during cancer and his life was saved. (shyam sadhu interview)
  • Not only this, Baba claims that he also made banquets for making Narendra Modi prime minister,
  • making the Yogi the Chief Minister and he got success.
  • Baba says that he does not take any money from anybody who is revered, he can earn virtue by contributing a little to feed the monkeys.
  • They send devotees not only to the whole country but also from abroad.

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