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Uttar Pradesh

CISCE Deflates Pass Marks Criteria For ICSE !!!

A notification regarding the change in passing marks for the class 10 and 12 board examinations has been released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE).The minimum passing criteria for both the year has been brought down to match all other Boards in the country.

Gerry Arathoon, chief executive and secretary of CISCE officially  communicated to all heads of affiliated schools that among many recommendations made by the Inter-Board Working Group (IBWG) , all boards in the country should have the same pass marks criteria.

 The pass marks for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) class 10 exams has been brought down from 35 per cent to 33 per cent. The minimum marks required to clear the Indian School Certificate (ISC) class 12 exams has dropped by five per cent from 40 to 35. This change will come into effect from the academic term beginning in 2019.

The minimum marks has also dropped for class 9 and 11 corresponding with the board exams. The class 9 pass score is at 33 per cent and that for class 11 is at 35 per cent.


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