Hackers never leave a single opportunity to attack on government websites. The latest incident  of such hacking was reported in Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh. Hackers have demanded freedom of Kashmir by hacking the government maintained municipality website. In addition to which the authorities restored the website and cleared the matter.

Anti-government slogans on municipality website:

  • Municipality administrative website was hacked a week ago.
  • After being hacked, the website displayed messages like “India go back” “We want freedom”.
  • Astonishing is the fact that even after all this the administration did not take any move.
  • Furthermore, the actions were taken by the officials after multiple complaints by the users.
  • Only after then did the authorities restored the website and cleared the matter.
  • In addition, the authorities have complained to the police for illegal hacking of website under the IT Act.
  • Most noteworthy is the fact that nobody complaints against the anti-national slogans on the website.
  • Secret agencies will e investigating this serious incident.

Hacker claims to be Kashmiri:

  • The administrative website of Rampur  in was hacked 8 days ago.
  • The officials were unaware of this fact.
  • But they hurridly restored the website as soon as they got to know about the incident.
  • Municipality executive officer Ganesh Prasad lodged an FIR in the Rampur Police station.
  • Cases under IT sector 66B are being lodged.
  • The seriousness of this incident can be measured by reading the slogans posted on the website.

Slogans written on hacked website:

  • The hacker claims to be a Kashmiri and declairs his name as “Nabil”
  • In addition, he has written anti-national slogans and has demdand freedom of Kashmir.
  • Hacker further poisoning the state added, “I am a Kashmiri, This is my crime.”
  • Furthermore he added, “I am Muslim,Kill me and call it collateral damage”
  • “imprision me and call it security measures.”
  • “Exile my people and masses and call it middle east”
  • “Rob my resources,invade my land,alter my leadership and call it democracy.”
  • The hacker didn’t stop here, Furthermore he says, “I deserve to be killed just because I am a kashmiri. I demand my rights,it is my crime? I demand my dignity. It is my crime? I demand life. It is my Crime? I am a kashmiri. It is my crime? But I am proud of commiting this crime.”

Statement of Rampur inspecter Manoj Kumar:

  • Rampur municipality website was hacked by a  kashmiri kacher 8 days ago.
  • While filing FIR against this incident, nobody complained about kashmiri separatism or country treason.
  • In addition, crimes like spreading hatred against country and provoking for the same were also ignored.
  • On this matter, Rampur Inspector Manoj Kumar says that the FIR was filed on behalf of Municipality EO.


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