Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha faced one of the biggest muffs on Wednesday,July 12. 60 gms of PETN Explosives was seized inside the assembly despite of the heavy security In Vidhan Sabha. PETN stands for Pentaerythritol tetranitrate which is one of the most powerful explosive materials known.
Explosives found wrapped in plastic
- Uttar Pradesh assembly faced one of the biggest security lapses till date on Thursday.
- As a result of which CM Yogi Adityanath called upon a meeting of his senior officers on Friday.
- On 12 July, during the monsoon session explosives were found under a table.
- Forensic reports confirmed the explosives as PETN.
- Worth considering is the fact that PETN explosives are used by terrorists to explode trains.
- Furthermore, it was reported that even the dog squad couldn’t spot the explosives during security check.
The biggest lapse in assembly security
- People are left in shock after the seizure of explosives under the table of Samajwadi Party.
- On the other hand, this would the biggest dent for Vidhan Sabha Security forces.
- Neglegance of police is exposed in this event.
- The biggest question after this incident is how did the explosives reach in despite of the heavy security?