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When “Kuch Woh Pal” writer Subrat Saurabh shared some moments with us!

Subrat Saurabh who is by profession an engineer but at thhe same time is the author of debut book  “Kuch Woh Pal”. His book  was and still is very much appreciated  by the public. Read the full conversation of  Subrat Saurabh exclusively with Uttarpradesh.org :

What is your book “Kuch Woh Pal”  all about ?

It is a story of a boy put together in the form of 50 poems. When one reads the book he gets know that all the 50 poems, if read in sequence , bring out a beautiful story. All the emotions that a persons feels throughout his life be it love, separation, friendship, heart breaks, college fun etc. can nbe felt while reading the book.

Writing has been a hobby since the beginning or there is some inspiration behind?

Had a desire and hobby to write since childhood. Used to write for school magazines. He got inspiration to write after observing the people and their actions around him along with some parts of his personal life. Saurabh also told that writing for him is more of a daily job, one which can not be skipped. He writes everyday no matter on what topic, good or bad. 

The first book is appreciated by a lot of people. How much motivation is achieved by these things

He gets motivated by the reviews which people give him through mails and on social media sites.He always tries to incorporate the things told by his fans and readers be it negative or positive. In addition he also said that one cannot make everyone happy at a time.So he keeps on trying to improve his skills.
How did you feel in Lucknow?
He loved being in the City of Nawabs and said that he is thankful to the city as it gave him a chance to meet other writers and new readers. 

Watch full Interview here:

What else do you want to write besides poetry ?

Subrat likes to write on current affairs , shayris, cricket, politics and other topics. He tries to write witty and sarcastic one liners on the trendy news but keeping in mind not to hurt the sentiments of any particular person in all.

Who do you consider your ideal in the field of literature?

Late poet/writer Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Gulzar are his inspiration and favorites to read include Madhusahla and Agnipath. When talking about Gulzar, he said he wants to meet him once in his lifetime and gift him his book “Kuch Woh Pal”.
By the end of the conversation, Subrat revealed the news that his book is being selected for the Delhi World Book Fair in January and then to Chennai book fair very soon.
Click here to Buy “Kuch Woh Pal” :KUCH WOH PAl

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