Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is a big box office draw and anything associated with him can set the cash registers ringing. And that is what a Varanasi paan shop owner did: He has named a ‘paan’ after the uncrowned ‘King of Romance’ of Bollywood.

The Shah Rukh Paan:

  • Titled as Jab Harry Met Sejal, this romantic entertainer was shot with a huge budget.
  • SRK who has been facing debacles is hoping big on this movie. This time, he is taking special care about promotions.
  • In order to take this movie into masses, he along with the female lead Anushka Sharma have been to Varanasi.
  • There SRK has offered Pan to Anushka in a famous Pan Shop at Varanasi.
  • He shared this photo for his fans by tagging Kaike Pan Bana Raswala. Now, this photo is going viral all over.
  • Tamboolam Paan Shop owner Satish Kumar told media Shah Rukh Khan aka SRK and his “Jab Harry met Sejal” co-star Anushka Sharma dropped by at his shop during a promotional tour and ever since his customers and others were curious to know which ‘paan’ was savoured by the super star.
  • Satish said he had since named a ‘meetha paan’ as ‘Shah Rukh Paan’ with the usual ingradients.
    Also India: “Jab harry Met Sejal” relished paan at Varanasi !
  • SRK has reaprised the immensely popular ‘Khai ke paan Banaras wala’ for the remake of
  • movie “Don”, originally starring Amitabh Bachchan in the 1970s.
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