The utmost of luxuries we have is the one right in our closets .An alimarh bombarding with clothes, is something we all have to face daily. And when it comes to donating our old clothes, we want someone who actually understand the value of those clothes.
We all are aware of the life of people living on roadsides, but how many of us actually think of helping them? And how many of us actually act on that thought of help? We are so much indulged in our comfort zones and luxuries that we forget about the ones spending nights on footpaths,wrapped up in rags.
With the zeal of helping such needy people, Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow Prerna has started a new initiative. An initiative of distributing old clothes to people who actually need them.
The “Zarurat Bank”
- Inner Wheel club of Lucknow Prerna in association with Shushrat Hospital
- started an initiative of donating Old clothes to needy people through “Zarurat Bank”.
- In this bank anyone can donate their clothes and be assured that those clothes are sent to someone who needs them more than anyone.
- On this occasion club President Shikha Jain along with other club members
- Diksha, Pretty,Anumeha,Shanu, Garima were present.
- The Chief guest for the event were MLA Dr Neeraj Bora and his wife Bindu Bora.
- As it is said, we can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone,
- the Club and its members are working their parts to spread happiness and equality in the society.
- Shikha Jain, the president of the club expressed her gratitude by telling
- that being associated with Shushrat Hospital and helping the needy in this
- noble cause would not have been possible without the support of other club members.
- Furthermore, Club members along with chief guest, were seen distributing their old clothes.
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